Music, like water to the soul

THIS is what makes me come alive. Music, good friends, wine and REAL. It’s water to my soul and it helps me gain #perspective, as my dear friend said so perfectly tonight.

What do you need to keep your perspective in check, dear one? When we make time for the things that water our souls and keep us excited and motivated, we live a more abundant life.

I’m all about the joy and abundance amidst the busy, amidst and chaos and amidst the routine. I’m all about making the time for sunshine.

I’m sending you a cheer kick and lots of love as you let your needs speak to you and tell you what moves you can make to live more energetically and more joyfully.

Here’s to music, friendship, joy and LIFE!

Some is Better than None

SOME is better than none. This is one of my most significant mottos both personally and as a therapist. So often, our #allornothing mindset can paralyze us because we think, “if I can’t do a full workout, I just can’t do it at all.” Another statement I often hear is, “if I can’t do it the right way, I just don’t even try because perfect feels way too hard.”

Hi, I’m Lindsay and I’m a recovering perfectionist. I am continually reminding myself that #someisbetterthannone, whether it be a 7 minute workout, a 45 minute meet up with a friend or squeezing in an essential oils bath late at night before bed.  When I get out of my own way and #justdoit, even if it’s something SMALL, it leaves me feeling better because I took an action step. That action step leads me closer to my goal - or need - or dream. And then it gains some momentum and brings me a little closer to where I want to be.

When I remember that I always have #choices, my life becomes brighter, lighter and more #empowered. Wholehearted life begins when I exercise my choices and when I get out of my own perfectionistic way. And this is where we truly practice living true to ourselves.What tools do you use when perfectionism seeks to steal life from you?

I wish you all the juju as you take a step in the direction of your dreams - even if it be small. Because SOME IS BETTER THAN NONE. #youvegotthis #tiuteam

Empowering Women!

I just had a lovely evening talking life and self love with the Self, Love, Beauty CEO, Lisa Thompson; keynote speaker on helping your teen thrive instead of survive, Jacquie Conger and conference master Kim Clark. It’s such a humbling reminder that #empoweredwomenempowerwomen. I can’t wait to take the fuel that I received from our beautiful evening together and lavish that love right back into our amazing teen women tomorrow! It’s not too late to register! Register:

Live with Authenticity & Condidence

Excitement fills the air and gratitude fills my heart in anticipation for this Saturday’s Self, Love, Beauty teen conference!! I can’t wait to share about LIVING LIFE WITH AUTHENTICITY & CONFIDENCE. Experiencing teen women OWN who they are and practice SELF LOVING behaviors is a joy to encounter. Pushing through the fears and choosing to #livetrue to themselves is a victory worth celebrating. Join me on a journey of be.YOU.tiful living as we stand on our sacred ground with #confidence. Register:

Self, Live, Beauty Teen Event

 Moms of teen women!! Check this out! “This conference takes place on Saturday, February 23, 2019 from 9am-5pm at the Grand Traverse Academy in Traverse City, Michigan. This event is filled with sessions around self, love and beauty to provide tools to young girls to enhance their confidence in empowerment, mental health, self-confidence and self-care.” I will be speaking about living with authenticity and confidence along with my amazing counseling colleague, @thecalminthestormcounselor and awesome soul sister and yogi extraordinaire, Sarah Rhinelaner! We want to see your girls ROAR! Join me on a journey of self love, self embrace, standing on your sacred ground and living your life with confidence. The Self, Love, Beauty Teen Conference is open to all! Click on link to register: